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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Garden Swallows

Here are a couple of the swallows over the garden yesterday afternoon
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Willow said...

Lovely sight Heskie! I've yet to see any swallows here, but I'm guessing they are on their way!

Anonymous said...

I am sure they will be with you soon, they are arriving every day now it seems. I'll have an easier job getting a picture when they settle on the TV aerial for a chatter.
I was just chatting on Skype to my brother-in-law in South Africa (he's just been to vote!) and it reminds me how lucky we have been to see the swallows way down there at the other end of their journey.

Willow said...

Yes, it never ceases to amaze me just how far these birds travel - incredible really. We're lucky enough to live near a reserve which has had a breeding pair of Ospreys for the last few years and it's been really interesting to track their journey every year!
