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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Beans, learning from mistakes

When our daughter took on an allotment with her partner, we did warn her to be prepared for some disappointments, from the weather, or deer, or pigeons - not everything we plant ends up on the plate.

I just had a reminder too that things don't always go well, and it's my fault.

Because the all the window sills were full I put some trays of beans (french and runner) in a greenhouse, which has just enough heat to protect from frost (and it was down to -1.2 Celsius air temperature here last night). There they have sat for a couple of weeks doing hardly anything. Out of 4 trays only 3 seedlings have appeared and the seed parts, as they emerge, look brown in parts, I think they have just been lying there too cold and in danger of rotting.

So now I have put two in a warm propagator and two on a by then vacant window sill. So, fingers crossed! 

1 comment:

Annie*s Granny said...

I took a chance with my beans, also. I planted them in the garden a good two weeks before I should have, hoping to get a bit of a jump on the season. They all germinated, but they are a bit yellow rather than a lovely dark green. I think it's from the cold, wet weather, so I'm hoping they improve as it warms up. I do think I'll put some of my house rabbit's alfalfa pellets around them for a little boost of nitrogen.