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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Soggy - but this is getting ridiculous - or is it?

This hasn't exactly been the weather for gardening - unless maybe you have a water garden - and people on the Somerset Levels are still seriously flooded. So, when I went up to the veggie patch yesterday and the day before, I wasn't expecting to be able to do much - expecting the ground to be too wet to work.

The paths between my beds were a pretty horrible, mucky mess, but the soil in the beds was friable and not water-logged. So, out came the last of the Brussels Sprout plants - the sprouts are now all in frozen and also out came the last of the parsnips and celeriac - dug into a small clamp on the empty part of the leek bed.

The two newly released beds then got a bit of a forking over before each received 6 bags of well-rotted horse manure - hopefully a happy home for the potatoes in a few months.

The hardy carrots (though to be fair, with all the rain there has been, they haven't had much frost to endure) are still going well, and the turnips too of course.

Carrots with turnips behind, and behind them shallots and garlic.

Parsnip and celeriac removed from foreground bed,
Brussels sprouts bed, behind, already manured

Last of the parsnips and celeriac into a clamp to store for use (before I covered over with soil) .
The canes are to mark them for digging.

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