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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Copenhagen climate change conference

How often in discussions and informal chats with gardeners, and other people who notice the ebb and flow of nature, have I heard comments over recent years to the effect that things are changing, signs of spring are appearing earlier. I would be surprised if there was anything but a significant majority of gardeners agreeing with the science that global warming is real and happening now.

In a recent letter my brother-in-law in Canada, not only a keen gardener, but also a meteorologist expressed concern that, if anything, the message getting through to most of us isn't stark and horrendous enough in its warnings.

But what do I know? Much more worthwhile and digestible reading (if you missed it when it was first published) is available, including de-bunking of the straw-men arguments put up to confuse the debate: Editorial published by 56 newspapers around the world in 20 languages including Chinese, Arabic and Russian.

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