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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Mixed Bag

Mixed in terms of what I am gathering in, mixed also in the results.

Maincrop potatoes still growing happily 

Toluca close-up showing splitting

Toluca, dug and washed

Sarpo Kifli - looking good

Sarpo Kifli, not bad off one plant

Onions - Centurion and Red Baron in foreground

Dessert apples

Soggy-dog, keeping a close watch for passing flies
Some of the produce has done really well (we've been eating our own cucumbers, peas, mange tout, calabrese and tomatoes, amongst other things, for months) while some have been disappointing. I suppose it depends on the plants' response to that prolonged dry weather earlier in the year.

A good example has been the potatoes. The Charlotte were brilliant, few blemishes, heavy cropping, reliable and so tasty. The Sarpo Kifli, which I only test dug one plant of today, look very productive (but I have no idea about taste yet). The Marfona were too good - must plant more next time. Toluca though were disappointing. Some large tubers, but too many of them split, allowing in other little nasties, in some cases rotting out the core; the taste was truly wonderful though (what Mrs Soggy described as an old-fashioned potato taste), so maybe if I grow them again I shall have to water them.

The cooking apples look to be doing well, but the dessert apples are giving mixed results - the birds like them though.

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